Tani B

Tani B

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Stamina: 24 total DJ mixes
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Always envolved in music, he began his career in 2008 playing online streaming for the Virtual Italian Community.
In 2010 lands on the italian and foreing web radio, increasing his performances and expanding his collaborations with other Djs.
One of the protagonists of the Deep Emotions on Tour Live in Ischia (the only italian stage of this international event), embraces the music from progressive to uplifting trance.
Da sempre appassionato di musica, inizia la sua carriera nel 2008 suonando in streaming online per la community virtuale italiana.
Nel 2010 approda sulle web radio, italiane e straniere, intensificando le sue performance e ampliando le collaborazioni con altri dj.
Reduce dall'evento internazionale Deep Emotions on Tour Live, a Ischia, unica tappa italiana del 2012, abbraccia la musica Trance dalla progressive alla uplifting.
All about trance, from progressive to uplifting
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