DJ Robirock

DJ Robirock

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Performance: 0 mixes pr week
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Stamina: 508 total DJ mixes
Latest Podcasts | Recorded Live Mixes
Recorded live set @ 2024-11-10 15PM (GMT/UTC time)
Duration: 01:56:57 | Filesize : 107 MB - DJ ROBIROCK - SUNDAY HOT MIX
Recorded live set @ 2024-10-06 15PM (GMT/UTC time)
Duration: 00:59:08 | Filesize : 54 MB - DJ ROBIROCK - HEAVY BEAT
Recorded live set @ 2024-09-22 18PM (GMT/UTC time)
Duration: 01:00:57 | Filesize : 56 MB - DJ ROBIROCK - REGGAE ESSENTIALS 10
Recorded live set @ 2024-08-18 15PM (GMT/UTC time)
Duration: 00:43:39 | Filesize : 40 MB
See more podcasts from DJ Robirock
I'm Brazilian Dj, music lover!!!!!!
Music is magic, it creates and also transforms. She shakes the feelings and touches everyone who listens to her. I love music !!!!!!
I was born in 1974, a wonderful year, a revolutionary decade in rock n roll and rap. I started playing in 1989 but after a few years I took another path. When I realized how much the djs scene had evolved with the technology I was crazy to play again. Today I am a room dj playing on a web radio and feeling very happy this way with my 44 years old.
Hip Hop, Trap, Dubstep, House, Club, Techno, Reggae, Dub
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