DJ Allen

DJ Allen

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Current Stats
Performance: 2 mixes pr week
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Stamina: 300 total DJ mixes
Latest Podcasts | Recorded Live Mixes
Recorded live set @ 2025-02-02 20PM (GMT/UTC time)
Duration: 01:03:31 | Filesize : 58 MB - DJ ALLEN - EPISODE 145
Recorded live set @ 2025-01-26 19PM (GMT/UTC time)
Duration: 01:00:29 | Filesize : 55 MB - DJ ALLEN - EPISODE 144
Recorded live set @ 2025-01-25 0AM (GMT/UTC time)
Duration: 01:00:32 | Filesize : 55 MB - DJ ALLEN - EPISODE 142
Recorded live set @ 2025-01-21 22PM (GMT/UTC time)
Duration: 01:01:27 | Filesize : 56 MB
See more podcasts from DJ Allen
What can I say? Once a DJ always a DJ.
Over 10 years ago I lived in a small little remote town in the arm pit of Texas called El Paso. Its next to Mexico and not much to do there. I remember going to the clubs, looking up at the DJ and going "WOW, they can make people dance." Ever since then I have been on a journey to make people dance.
A few months of intense practice and befriending the DJ, Lisa, I learned that mixing records is not that hard. I landed the after hours gig at one of the only dance clubs in El Paso at the time, The Old Plantation. I got to play the music I wanted to hear and made people dance.
I eventually made it to Houston where I set up shop, got a regular 9 to 5 job and learned how to build web sites. A few months ago by best friend asked me if I would build a web site for a DJ. While the job didn't pan out it got me thinking about the music again.
So Now
Sit Back
And Enjoy The Dance Floor Once More
Dance, Electronica