


Germany | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Lee Davis aka Micleedavis was born in 1974 in Sevenoaks (England),
He discovered the love of electronic music already in the early 90´s.
1990 he had his first contact with turntables and electronic music.
He exercised his first gig in a little club called:Ballhaus (Bonn Germany)

From between 1991 and 2008 he focused mainly on
mixing with vinyl diffrent styles together
always tryin to be creative with his sound.
2006 he went to live in Frankfurt am Main Germany.
since 2008 he use Cd & Midicontroller.
Digital mixing is the new art of mixing,holding a lot of
opportunities to rearrange and create completly new Sound Expieriences.

Micleedavis, is known in Frankfurt and the surrounding Area,
for makin the diffrence. havin always his own particulary touch
on what he play and how he combine them together
making each set a journey of pleasure
keepin it Underground and intrestin

Music for him,is an attitude toward Life............



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