
Jackmaster Nored

Jackmaster Nored

United States | Resident DJ

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Performance: 11 mixes pr week

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Stamina: 1185 total DJ mixes

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Jackmaster Nored is a Mixologist that started spinning records after graduating high school in 1985 and soon formed his first DJ Crew MasterMix Productions and was one of the most proficient mobile DJs on The South Side of Chicago. He had guest mixes on various FM radio stations in Chicago including WGCI,WKKC,WHPK & WNUR. Jackmaster Nored currently resides in Minneapolis, MN. He is a member of CardiCrew Productions, Deep House Mafia, Church Of House, The Power Crew, The Knights Of The Mix and The Mix Masters. Jackmaster Nored is currently a feature DJ on WDEP Radio where he does The Lunchtime Mix, The Concrete Rose Show, Club WDEP and Stepping At Club 1075. He also is a DJ for VirtualDJ Radio where he does featured live broadcasts including HellFire Tuesday W/The Power Crew, Church House, Taking It Back To The Old School, The Concrete Rose Show, Temptation Thursday, Club Hypnotica and many other shows.



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