
DJ Humberto

DJ Humberto

Mexico | Occational DJ

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Current Stats
Performance: 1 mixes pr week

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Stamina: 1795 total DJ mixes

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I'm currently on a radio show hosted by virtualdj ( representing the pioneer brand and supporting virtualdjradio.
(Edm, electrop pop, electro, house, deep house, tropical house and latin regge) as well as more than 2000,000 followers, Of the world: (Germans, Spaniards, Brazilians, English, Americans, Italians, French and Canadians)
And mixes this type of music at present places like (jazz boss,m y c, harris, costeño, district 7 and disco )
Also mixing live on the internet for different internet radio stations like (, ibiza radio, gabriela on line, and


electro,house,electro house,edm,electro pop & reggeton


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(C) VirtualDJ Radio | 2025