
DJ Chil3

DJ Chil3

Switzerland | Resident DJ

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Current Stats
Performance: 4 mixes pr week

Historic Stats
Stamina: 996 total DJ mixes

Latest Podcasts | Recorded Live Mixes

    Recorded live set @ 2025-03-24 3AM (GMT/UTC time)
    Duration: 01:55:34 | Filesize : 106 MB
    Recorded live set @ 2025-03-21 1AM (GMT/UTC time)
    Duration: 01:33:33 | Filesize : 86 MB
    Recorded live set @ 2025-03-16 2AM (GMT/UTC time)
    Duration: 00:52:25 | Filesize : 48 MB
    Recorded live set @ 2025-03-16 1AM (GMT/UTC time)
    Duration: 00:49:21 | Filesize : 45 MB

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Name and personal Infos:

DJ Chil3 & hit'n'run with the Candyman
(since 2002) (since 2017)

Christian Kirchen
31. October 1982

from Oberburg, Switzerland

My Projects:

Wonderland-Events - Psychedelic Trance Events in Switzerland (2002)
Chil3's World - DJ and Live Artists Label, DJ-Shool and more (2010)
LSD (Laser Sound Design GmbH) - Laser, Light and Audioshows, Lasersafety Works (2015)
GLS (Guerilla Laser Shows) - Spezial Project (2013)

hit'n'run with the Candyman - for all my harder Sets

My Way to become a DJ:

Untill all my Life, Music was the thing witch i needet... As i was in the first Shool class, i made @ Shool Partys my first Steps to become a DJ.
Without DJ Equipment i made my first mixes on two Amps... It was a really funny Time...

With 12 Years my HipHop Time was beginning and i saw the first Time, wath will be possible with two MKII and an mixingtable. So i buyed with a friend
two MKII and an mixer. Untill my 14 Birthday i was an active Hiphop DJ.

In this Year, something in me was changed. I cant hear anymore Hiphop. So it beganns my Trance-Time. I beganns to Smocke and the DJing was for some Years
not really intresting... One Year later i received the message does i have Multipler Sklerose. This was a hard Message for this age and i needet some Years
to accept this news and to find my Way how to living with it. I tested diffent things on this Way and breaked some Rules... So i found me in the Millenium New Year Night
in Prison. There i was for some months. In springtime 2000 i comes out from prison and found in Bern some great new friends witch opened my Way in the Swiss-Goa-Szene.

and wath they opened... In the two following Years i begann as Guest to visit Partys, after a short Time i was taking my first Impressions as helper and after some more Months
i opened with Wonderland-Events my own Partylabel. Untill the Year 2002 i was any Weekends full with Partys. My own Events, Partys from Friends, Decorworks...

One Evening in 2002 i was eating some thing by an friendly DJ and he was talking with me about, does it isnt normal when peoples makes Partys and dind't mix... @ the End of the Evening he was
showing me the functionality of the CDJ and shows me how to mixing electronic Music. This Evening was the beginning of my DJ-Carrier.

My first Partyset as DJ:

Untill the Springtime 2003 i wasin diffrent Studios, @ home and with other DJs @ learning how to mixing. April 2003 a friends Girlfriend had her Birthday. She asked me if i like to play my first Partyset @ her Bday-Party.
Because i had a great Selection of Tunes i accepted does i play for her. But she dosent tells me, @ witch Time i play... On the Lineup @ the Party, i readet the Time. She gives me
for my first Party-Set the main Time from 02.00 - 05.00 h. Never in my Life i was so nervous like in this Night. And i was not sure if i have the force for this Time... As i beganns i had more
than 300 Peoples in front of me. And they gives me the strongness to proof my Set. And about the Feedbacks i can tell, does i rockt the Floor!!!

@ the End, it was one of the best Partysets i ever played...

2003 - now:

In these Years i becomes more and more bookings, i played on many diffrent Locations with very munch great DJ's and Artists, and becomes better and better. In the last 3 of this Years
i played any Weekend @ least one Party. And bust any Time when i played, the Peoples beganns to Dance (best Feeling ever!!!)...

in 2012 my Girlfriend becomes pregnant. With the perspectiv does i becomes Vather, i stopped playing on partys and started to prepairing me on my new Job as Dad. One Day before the
Birthday of my Son was planed, he dies in his mother. This Day he broaks me... I din't really find a reason for wath i am here on this planet. It was really enhough... My MS, the Fight
for Jobs, the problems with all the little things witch dosen't works any more in my body, and the death of my son, all these things gives me not really munch hope for my life. In the following
time, i looked for me. I buildet me a Handcar (Nachtruähtyrann, see Pictures) on witch i have an generator, two PA's, my DDJ-SX, two Laptops (VDJ and Lasersoftware) and some Laser instaled.
With this car i was untill the end of 2015 for me, or with some good friends on many beautyfull Places in Switzerland and played where ever i wanted some great music. Because i perfected my
mixstyle and while im learned also munch things as i was playing for my self, and also because many peoples asked me for bookings and more, i rebeganns @ 01.01.2016 newly to play on Partys. ; - ))))


Because electronic Music is what makes me happy on this planet. If im in the Mix, i can show my Emotions, my Feelings and it is the only moment in witch i show my innerst personality. And it is also
the only Moment in witch im feeling me free and all my Problems falls for a moment down from me. This is why im do wath i do and i really really Love wath i do!!!

How knows, even whe see us next Time On Stage....

Greez your



DJ Chil3: House, Techhouse, Deephouse, Electro, Electro Swing, Minimal, Psyprogressiv, Goatrance, Psytrance...

hit'n'run with the Candyman: Follontrance, Nightpsy, Darkpsy, Hardstyle, Jumpstyle, Hardcore, Frechcore...


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