
DJ Entel

DJ Entel

United States | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Current Stats
Performance: 0 mixes pr week

Historic Stats
Stamina: 16 total DJ mixes
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My Real name is Brian AKA DJ Entel, I am an official DJ, Representative and Photographer. I also work for as a District Sales Representative. I own my own Web-hosting company... I Love EDM! I have been recognized for my rare style in music, I believe "fluffy" music creates a natural euphoria feeling that is more powerful than any drug known to man! i am one of the only people that are "straight edge" and i am always fun to be around unless you make me mad. anyways have fun looking around and don't be afraid to comment or send me a message :-)


Trance & Progressive, my definition of dance music is: Progressive Trance, Progressive House, Progressive Electro, Electro House and more..


(C) VirtualDJ Radio | 2025