
Bob Bob

Bob Bob

United Kingdom | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Performance: 0 mixes pr week

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Stamina: 27 total DJ mixes
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Robert Roberts - or Bob Bob to his peers has only been DJing in public for the past six months, however he has practised and crafted his mixes from his bedroom for the last seven years. Ever since he got his copy of DJ Mixstation in 2004 he has progressed from the bedroom to a weekly residency at Skuba in his hometown of Folkestone.

Rob uses the VMS4 by American Audio, an old skool pair of Sony V500s - which although some five years old, sound as good as new as well as the GROM skin, supporting his view that Digital DJing has no room for mouses.


Progressive and Tech house, with a nod to the music that got him to this junction, the euphoric trance associated with Gatecrasher and Cream, and the House sound of the 90s and early 2000s.


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