
Tommy Hear Me

Tommy Hear Me

United Kingdom | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Stamina: 69 total DJ mixes
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Been DJing for quite sometime. Stopped DJing for a while started a family and then found Virtual DJ that has got me back into DJing. I have a few thousand vinyl's, So in the process of making WAV/MP3s out of my vinyl collection started using Ion USB Belt drive but since i started to use Virtual DJ i have noticed that my Vinyl/mp3 are out of sync (1000 Tunes), as a result, having to re-record using Direct Drive. It's a slow process but every now and then I find a little gem of a tune.


Anything that sounds good i tend to like, however my tastes at the moment lie in House,Electro/Hard/Trance House.

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