Neil Cee
Neil Cee
United Kingdom | Unlisted/GuestDJUpcoming sets on Radio
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iv been djing since I was 19 starting off doing partys and function , then moved in to the clubbing scene moving from Liverpool to Manchester , then back to Liverpool playing in our citys biggest clubs ,
I currently have 3 residancys and they range from heavy dance to club classics and old school dance .
but im one of them djs that would love to go back to vinol as that for me is where I learnt my trade , but with the modern day style of djing sadly it seems that every one can be a dj and the standard of mixing seems to have been left to a program rather than the djs ears .
the equipment I use is
virtual dj 8
vestax vci 308
styles range from deep and dirty to hard heavy and bouncing , and iv been known for playing funk as well