
Mr Rizo

Mr Rizo

United States | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Stamina: 161 total DJ mixes
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Starting at the age of 6 I realaized music and me we were friends . My mom was a singer with a Spanish group in P.R That was the push behind my passion for music. I started installing sound in cars when I was 15. At the age of 20 I had my first club job Instaling lighting and sound. The passion continued when I started djing at some clubs here in Miami During the late 90s early 2000nd. Now I have the chance to play here and finetune the Djing Skills with some of the best Djs In the world. Got to love That.


I really love Trance,Club House, Break. But will play anything!

(C) VirtualDJ Radio | 2025