


Germany | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Nicole got into contact with electronic music when she was a teenager due to her older sister beeing a huge techno fan and visiting many of the big events like Loveparade, Mayday and Nature One.

She started playing music by herself around 2006 / 2007 on VDJ3 and teached herself how to mix and transit from track to track. Having no real knowledge and equipment she used to be a "Keyboard + Mouse" DJane for a long time. After many years doing it like that Nicole got used to it and was able to perform at a decent mix quality but of course always staying a bit limited on the things she could do.

So in the late 2015 Nicole decided to get herself some hardware and purchased the Pioneer DDJ-RB for starts because she really wanted to get used to hardware feelings at first. Now she is really liking how it feels playing on hardware and of course wanting more, so she purchased a DDJ-RZ in 2017 to be able to do so much more.


Deep House ● Tech House ● Electronica ● Minimal ● Techno


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