Fits His Face

Fits His Face

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<b>Fits His Face</b> hails from "The Best Small Country in the World", well that's what they tell him. True to his Scottish roots "Fits" loves to party and even more so to the sound of .....hhhhh.....HOUSE MUSIC.
Starting back in the days when carrying 10,000 records to a gig (birthdays, weddings and anything else that paid) <b>Fits</b> had a natural flair for selecting music that works on the dancefloor.
He always recalls the night of a traditional Scottish wedding with over 200 guests on the dance floor awaiting the time old classic Auld Lang Syne. "I just got everyone on the floor and said, Right folks it's the traditional way to finish a grand scottish wedding". The place erupted as <b>Fits His Face</b> says, "<b>I just threw on 2 Unlimited - Get Ready for This and the place went mad".</b>
<b>Fits</b> never got there at this time due to some theiving scumbags stealing his tunes. He still cries now and searches 2nd hand shops hoping he can get them back. SAD!!
As a technology junkie and PC freak <b>Fits His Face</b> grabbed the chance to get playing again - the 10,000 records are now mp3 files and he just gets confused with the 10,000 genres their seems to be now.
You will catch <b>Fits His Face</b> regulary on where he plays on Sunday House Heaven and Fridays weekend kick-off.
"I play Tunes, Tunes and More Tunes" says Fits (he hates genres). If it puts a smile on your face it's playable. Lots of essential vocals, bumping basslines and great times are what you get.
<b>Don't forget to vote for me when I'm playing</b>
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