DJ TrackForce1

DJ TrackForce1

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Stamina: 189 total DJ mixes
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MAAAAAAN!! Let me tellz you about THE DJ...TRAKZ FORCE 1...I learned this thing called DJing from being aroUnd the fellas of CARDICREW...came up with them,became apart of them and now here I be entertaining YOU. I also like making beats, im a XBOX ONE FOOL!! (LORD CIRROC) GAME TAG PLUG LOL........But besides that i just enjoy being the ENTERTAINER. My type of music is old school raps and some now(im picky on today's music)I dabble in some House,electric,pop...some other types of music. AND I THINK FEMALES DJ'S ARE HOT!!ok...that's still reading!?! take yo ass somewhere and listen to my mixes lol...PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEACE
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