DJ MaddSound
DJ MaddSound
United States | Unlisted/GuestDJUpcoming sets on Radio
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Performance: 0 mixes pr week
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Stamina: 249 total DJ mixes
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What can I say about myself that many here don't already know. I am an addict. A junkie. A hype. All screwed up. On drugs? On Alcohol? No! On music. I am a HouseaHolic!
If you don't find me creating mixes I can be found with my family. I am your ultimate Dad and husband. Been mixing since 1986 and am kinda known for my Chicago Old School sets. But recently I have been bringing the listeners some Street Style. It is a combination of Hip Hop, House and Top 40's taking two of the same songs and remixing them live.
I have been on Virtual DJ Radio since April of 2004 and have enjoyed every moment. I have been on the Radio Team since late 2007 and am proud of trying to move the Radio forward.
Stay tuned, check the schedule for my next Madd set.
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