
DJ LateBloomer

DJ LateBloomer

Germany | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Performance: 0 mixes pr week

Historic Stats
Stamina: 126 total DJ mixes
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Sorry, I don’t have a thrilling BIO.

In 2007 i want to make a step further and have a look around. On this way, to here and now, I meet a lot of very friendly and helpful people.

Now i'm using VirtualDJ and have more fun then ever.

Those great DJ’s bring my little music flame back to a big pumping fire storm.
Now my wife and kids must entice me out of my little DJ cellar ;-)

Also it is good to see, that here are so many good “old” (;-) DJ’s @ work.

At the beginning of 2009, i take the chance to be a Virtual DJ on
VirtualDJ Radio!
Now i'm part of this great family and play every week on Wednesday at GLOBAL HOUSE PARTY!

I will be happy as a child, if you spend once a time, one or two hours with me.

Thanks to my friends for their inspiration an help!

Greetings from munich, germany!

Love, peace, happiness and always enough electricity for your setup!

Best regards
DJ LateBloomer


I'm a DJ who loves to feel the vibes of a song and not to change the songs or feeling every minute in a hectic way. I personal think the most songs has so much power inside, so it is needed to let them go and feel their up and downs on the floor. ;-)
I like to see and hear a song build up his composition and then to switch to the next song with a smooth transistion!

My most loving genre is House Music in nearly every flavour.

But on partys i play music from ABBA to ZZ-Top!

My newest love is mix dance music videos!

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(C) VirtualDJ Radio | 2025