
DJ Kwality

DJ Kwality

United States | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Current Stats
Performance: 0 mixes pr week

Historic Stats
Stamina: 217 total DJ mixes
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Me as a DJ!!! I have been DJing since 1989. I started out watching my cousins play music while pretending to be the SugarHill Gang! Shortly after that my interest in DJing started to grow. I used to use my Dad's old gear driven Marantz Turntable to scratch my Beastie Boys, Run DMC and Fat Boys 45's. Once I had my own job and money, I purchased my first set up and my own vinyl. I have been hooked since then.


I consider myself to be very versatile. I can play anything from Dance to HipHip to Reggae, mostly all in the same set. Holla atcha boy!!


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