
DJ KiwiDiscman

DJ KiwiDiscman

New Zealand | Resident DJ

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Current Stats
Performance: 9 mixes pr week

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Stamina: 3415 total DJ mixes

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The KiwiDiscman: Sonic Explorer and Electronic Music Evangelist

Driven by an insatiable passion for electronic soundscapes, The KiwiDiscman stands at the forefront of the underground music revolution. With a mission to unearth and amplify the hidden gems of the electronic music world, this visionary artist transcends the boundaries of conventional radio playlists.

From drum and bass rhythms to euphoric trance melodies, The KiwiDiscman's original productions like "Music Is The Queen Of Life" embody the philosophy that music is more than mere entertainment—it's a transformative force that unites and inspires.

Join The KiwiDiscman on this sonic odyssey and experience the pulse of electronic music's bright future.

Email Address: thekiwidiscman@gmail.com


I'll play just about anything. I have a real passion for the art of Mashups & Remixes. I spend most of my spare time hunting out Mashup DJ's from all around the world.

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