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I started Djing at the age of 14 ,before I started djing I was setting up bands wile doing live audio running Pro lighting ,so Djing became second nature to me 20 years later I'm still kicking ass and taking names.
2001 I hooked up with melody productions and with myself and my DJ manger "DJ D" we have been Djing for some really cool people like Bennie man .to name one of my meany people that I have been able to rock the house with( my most memorable )
he gave me my name becauseI like to go into a club or event and lay it all out dropping the best cut's and working the crowd ,getting them all worked up and leave them all sweaty and wanting more ,and me just going home lol .so he started callling me the gunslinger thrust how DJ KIDD came about . as for my felling about the whole thing I just like to be me and if you like me grate ,if not then there is other places to hang out.
because I haven't meet a mother fucker that can do dat yet ( LL cool J )
I tend to play to what the people want because that is what a real party is all about.
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