
DJ Jrco

DJ Jrco

Canada | Resident DJ

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Performance: 4 mixes pr week

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Stamina: 1211 total DJ mixes

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What's up everybody, my name's Jericho and i've been a dj for more than 5 years. Now i'm a video jockey and it's an amazing thing to have music and visuals to go along with it. Virtual Dj was the first dj software i've ever used and still do to this day. With the ability to mix audio, video, record and even broadcast on the net, virtual dj is by far ahead in the game. This is what drove me to become a dj/vj. Music is one of the few things I enjoy in life. Now I can bring that joy to other people so they can enjoy what i love to do.


Classic house, EDM, big room anthems, 90's euro
Hip hop, r&b, top 40


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