
DJ Fut DeWuck

DJ Fut DeWuck

United States | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Current Stats
Performance: 0 mixes pr week

Historic Stats
Stamina: 7 total DJ mixes
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DJ Fut DeWuck? was born and raised in Breukelen, New Amsterdam (Brooklyn, New York). Always hearing "sounds" inside of his head, Fut DeWuck? discovered DJ'ing as a platform to express and release these sounds- a form of Therapy- "Thump Therapy".

Never too hung up on labels and genres like Electro, House, Club etc... You can expect DJ Fut DeWuck? to play what you might expect to hear in the club: <<<THUMPIN>>> and <<<BUMPIN>>>

............. Enjoy!

On the techie side, DJ Fut DeWuck? uses a American Audio VMS4 running through a PC (i7 core processor) with the best DJ Software available- Virtual DJ Pro.


Fut DeWuck?-

"In my world there are only two kinds of music; "good " and "bad". I like to call my style of music "Groovecore"- Hard grooves and beats to move to. I like to run several tracks/ decks simultaneously to add a new dimension to the the sound and keep the bass in your face."

"Almost everything you do will seem insignificant, but it is important that you do it" Mahatama Ghandi

(C) VirtualDJ Radio | 2025