DJ Drew

DJ Drew

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I broke into the club scene in the late 80s on the Gulf Coast. We frequented the Freestyle and Techno clubs all around the area from New Orleans, LA to Pensacola, FL. It wasn't Chicago or New york, but it was our scene, and we loved it. I never got to spin any vinyl back then, but now I am all grown up and mixing music is a very passionate hobby of mine. Luckily my wife and kids enjoy good music also. There is nothing quite like listening to my 5 year old singing some Johnny O - Fantasy Girl. I initially went Vinyl, but it didn't take long before I realized my kids were going to seriously thrash some needles and destroy my vinyl, so I swapped out the TTs for a pair of Pioneer CDJ1000MK3s. Now my kids can enjoy twisting the music without me having to fear them destroying something.
Dance & Hip Hop