
DJ CopyMaxXx

DJ CopyMaxXx

United States | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Current Stats
Performance: 0 mixes pr week

Historic Stats
Stamina: 30 total DJ mixes
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What's up & what it do, It's Dj CopyMaxXx reping that Cleveland Ohio thang 216 bang bang. I've been djing for a long time and just stated make money with a real job, when djing called me back and here I am in my free time doing what I l o v e most. My love for music started at a baby as my mother would say, but my skills in djing came from Trenton New Jersey. Where I made friends with a famous neighborhood dj. We battled with 8 tables every day until I returned back to Cleveland in 1996. I've been djing since then doing house party's and small shows here and there. I like to play rap & r&b but hate working at clubs. My dream is be a tour dj and see the world and party like a rockstar


I like to play rap & r&b, My style is freestyle. I like to copy mixes I hear make them better. I also love to blend


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