
DJ Cool Chris XD

DJ Cool Chris XD

Germany | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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My life story isn't the longest, but I try my best ;-)

I am 15 years old and DJ since 4 years. Music has a special meaning in my life and family. Even because my dad is DJ too.
My home is in a little village in germany called "Falkenberg". There isn't so much to do so most of my time I mix. On air or off air.
I started djing with CDs but after a few time I recognized this isn't the best for me. I look for a DJ software on the Internet and finally I founded Virtual DJ. I downloaden the free Version and after ca. 1 monthe I killed my piggy bank and bought Virtual DJ Pro Full.

Today my setup consists a Denon MC 6000, VDJ Pro and a 2000 Watt soundsystem.


in my musicstyle there are 2 kinds of sounds.
the fisrt is maistream, charts, dance and club.
and the second is Clubbing house


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