
DJ Coach K

DJ Coach K

United States | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Current Stats
Performance: 0 mixes pr week

Historic Stats
Stamina: 358 total DJ mixes
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He's The Mix Monster- DJ Coach K!

This Charismatic DJ from the Boogie Down Bronx, NY has been true to the game since age 13, where he got his start using his cousin's belt drive, straight arm turntables until he was able to afford his own set of Tech 12's wit a Gemini mixer before the replaceable crossfader came out! It was his way to become a part of the party, instead of playing him the wall, because of his two left feet! Yet that idea flourished into a career that has lasted nearly 3 decades and still going strong to date!

Check him out Every Monday from 12 pm - 2pm EST for "Digging N Da Crates" Where It's Hip Hop All Day & R&B Everyday!"


Hip Hop, R&B, Top 40, dance, Pop, Reggae, Gospel, Rock, house!


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The Mix Monster taking it to the house on Video! | |
(C) VirtualDJ Radio | 2025