DJ Agua

DJ Agua

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DJ-Agua aka Gerrit Beul a Name like a Hurricane in the Local Salsa Scene in Rhein-Main (Germany)
Starting 2005 in a Small Club in Mainz (Bronx) i meet my Buddy's Benni and Miguell from "Salsaglamour" we start to Rock Mainz and Wiesbaden with our Salsa events "Clubs like the Havanna Wiesbaden and Havanna Mainz" since 2006
I was the resident DJ for an Salsa Open-Air Event from Hyatt Regency Mainz playing every Wednesday in Summer out on the Malecon of Rhine
Saludos DJ-Agua
My Preferred style is Salsa Music (Cuban style) i Play Salsa/Merengue/Bachata and Reggaeton
As a Passionated Salsa dancer I have a strong look of playing Music that is 100% danceble