


Germany | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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------------------- Electronic Dance Music DJ -------------------

he was born 1963 in Frankfurt am Main.

2010 he started to work with digital technic

Music has always been a great passion of him.

As a child he dreamed always ,he stand on a stage
and many of fans cheer him to

and now as a DJ , it's the Greatest feeling for him
when the Fans screaming, cheering and dancing,

his only hobby is music, it determines his whole life.
He plays: Deep/DeepHouse , Progressive, Trance/Goa ,House/TechHouse, Tech/Techno, Minimal and from time to time a little bit Electro or Electronica

what Genre of music he plays is that what his heart and his soul tell him and what his Fans Love


Deep/DeepHouse , DeepTech, Progressive, Trance/Goa ,House/TechHouse, Tech/Techno ........... What I always play is what my heart and my gut tells me.


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