Charlie C

Charlie C

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About me I'm 35 yrs of ages and have been djing for a little over 11 yrs now. I started djing while In college starting with my cousin as my partner. I then pick up DJing on my own playing at local clubs here in El Paso. I then found VDJ Radio and got hooked on the radio station. Very great people from around the world. I started to play on vdj radio back in 2009 and have loved it ever since. VDJ radio was my first online radio station that I had played on as I was just playing at clubs. Love to DJ as this really reliefs my headaches from my 9-5 job. Catch me on VDJ Radio for some great Latin House Urban House Clubbing House Electro House even some Hip Hop and RnB.
Charlie C
Clubbing House
Electro House
Latin House
Urban House
Hip Hop
Latin Music
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